Black Unity
Born in Philadelphia Maurice Muhammad, background is packed with responsibilities and leadership roles. He was the Senior Class President. He was President of America's Graduates[a national program] and Vice President of the Philadelphia Chapter. His resume is packed with a variety of positions, that require discipline. In high school he was the Captain of the J.R.O.T.C, and a member of the elite Color Guard " The Epitome".

He is divinely loyal to Minister Louis Farrakhan. Now residing in Nashville, Tennesse, Brother Maurice Muhammad is a devoted follower in the Nation of Islam.
"I am being tranformed into a better man."
We all are at a vital point in time.
Change is here and with change comes new obstacles and growth. The problems we are entangled in is very complex because all are connected in some manner, like it or not. Lines have not only crossed but they have woven into strands that are linked into a universal source. Humanities universal consciousness has literally binded, materially.
We are connected to limitless information, that could be benificial or detrimental for us. So the Universal Oneness of all humankind is near. The issue is how the unification will happen and who will be in control. Will we all be equal? Will we all have an equal amounts of goods, and should we have a equal portion? or are we asking for too much?
"My love for my people is undying my assignment in this life is the resurrection of the mentally dead
Black Man and Woman of North America and through out the earth. Then to the rest of the human family."
-Maurice Muhammad
Brother Muhammad is that individual that genuinely cares about the future for all mankind. He has an extensive history in constructing grass root organizations. He specializes in using people's talents for the betterment of the community. The people that he is interested in helping, in turn become leaders, creating their own movements. He helps people by turning individuals into strong organizations: progressive collective forces.
With the present day technology, a child in a village, in africa, has the ability to carry on intimate conversations with relatives in Chicago, Ill and people are constantly inventing things. We do not know what they have invented, well... some do. Friends are very important; universal brotherhood is very important,
in fact it is a neccessity.
Is now the time for the communities to come together as one? love Power
food/shelter Many say yes. Unity individualism vs collectivism Obama Independence
Liberalism and Work Romney
many say conservatism
When will it be the right time? What are we looking for? Who are we? Who will decide when the time is right and why do he or they get to pick the Whos, whats, whens and wheres?
Many say we need leaders.. others say we don't. Everybody has their hands out.. but nobody wants to give anything,
not even time.
"No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path."
Here and Now
Brother Maurice Muhammad is one of the few that puts in the time, traveling state to state, supporting people that have had issues with the system[domestically/criminally]. He has counseled troubled youth, attended events for activist and now
his present mission, is helping daycare centers stay operational nationwide. Especially, the ones that are lacking the funds and resources to carry on. He feels by connecting with the right individuals and resources, he will not only save businesses, but own them, and create more of them; resulting in employment of individuals in the communities.
Brother Muhammad needs the knowledgeable ones and the ones that have common sense to read over grant information; so the correct loans will be secured, for the communities; starting with the ones needing help the most. To speed up the process, Muhammad is currently seeking individuals, interested in helping him save these centers immediately, for the kids sake.
If you are genuinely interested in helping the cause please contact him and his affiliates below.
No one will be turned away.
Here and Now
Brother Maurice Muhammad is one of the few that puts in the time, traveling state to state, supporting people that have had issues with the system[domestically/criminally]. He has counseled troubled youth, attended events for activist and now
his present mission, is helping daycare centers stay operational nationwide. Especially, the ones that are lacking the funds and resources to carry on. He feels by connecting with the right individuals and resources, he will not only save businesses, but own them, and create more of them; resulting in employment of individuals in the communities.
Brother Muhammad needs the knowledgeable ones and the ones that have common sense to read over grant information; so the correct loans will be secured, for the communities; starting with the ones needing help the most. To speed up the process, Muhammad is currently seeking individuals, interested in helping him save these centers immediately, for the kids sake.
If you are genuinely interested in helping the cause please contact him and his affiliates below.
No one will be turned away.
His Sites/Affiliates:
"I believe in the brotherhood of all men, But I don't believe in wasting brotherhood on anyone who doesn't want to practice it with me. Brotherhood is a two way street."
- Malcolm X
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